It is the duty of the government to protect the nation including its state, economy, and institutions, and this is called National Security. Originally it was accepted that national security only involves protection against military attacks but later non-military dimensions were also added to the definition such as security from terrorism, crime, economic security, energy security, environmental security, food security, cyber-security, and more. The government uses various measures to protect the nation such as political, economic, and military devices, and sometimes diplomacy too. 

Potential causes of national security include the following actions - 

  1. Actions by other states (both military and cyber attacks)
  2. Violent non-state actors (such as terrorist attacks)
  3. Organized criminal groupings such as narcotics cartel 
  4. Natural disasters such as earthquake, flood
  5. Climate change 
  6. Economic inequality
  7. Marginalization
  8. Political exclusion
  9. Militarisation

National Security strategizes their plans based on the long term, short term, contingency national security plans. 

Following types of security comprise the different dimensions of National Security- 

Physical Security

It is related to military and mange physical threats such as border fights, terrorism, defenses from other states, and more. 

Political Security

It is related to the stability of social order as well as an international order. Effectiveness of institutions of law, diplomatic and political institutions, human security organizations  and more are assessed here which leads to peaceful and balanced social order thus enabling national security. 

Economic Security

It is the ability of a Nation to maintain and develop the national economy because without proper economical maintenance and development no other security can be managed. It is directl0y related to the defense power of the nation. 

Ecological Security

Also referred to as environmental security, Ecological security involves the protection of the ecosystem and biosphere particularly to maintain the balance of diversity of life forms 

source: https://maxcybersec967.livejournal.com/4702.html


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